Monday, March 29, 2021

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You thought you work hard enough, you thought you try very hard to satisfy people, so you believe everything will flow to good direction. But once you argue with someone, first you thought the problem was because of them. However, later one you’ll blame yourself and doubting whether if it was actually you, who is at fault and incapable.

Just because you put yourself in difficult position doesn’t mean you’ll be able to love happy. Just because you try to make other happy while disregard your own feeling doesn’t mean that you’ll be enough for that person.

Remember that, for somebody else beside you or your family, you will never be enough for them no matter how good you are, how much you work hard for them or how much you taking care of them. WHY?

Because that person is not you, and they will NEVER UNDERSTAND you or your feeling. They always want you to behave as the way they want. They will try to change you to become the person they expect. The more you do what they like, the more you act as they instruct, the greater they think you are. Yet, no matter how much you sacrifice, it’ll never be enough even for today, tomorrow or in the future.

So please listen to your heart, listen to your feeling, be open to yourself to learn more, be teachable, learn new experience and do whatever the hell you wanted to.

Listen to consider, listen to understand, listen for tips & advices. But don’t always follow what other want for you. Don’t listen just to agree because the most important thing is how you feel and you should choose what best for you. Sometime what you want doesn’t mean you need it in life.

credit: 11pm.Thought

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Credit art to rightful owner via pinterest

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